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Program Outcomes

Key Program Facts

Key Demographics

Among Appointed Trainees:

  • 79.44% not underrepresented minority and not people with disabilities
  • 20.56% underrepresented minority
  • 3.74% people with disabilities

Career Outcomes

After appointment to the Biotechnology Training Program and successful completion of PhD studies at Northwestern University, our students have been drawn to careers such as biotechnology, medical device development, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, entrepreneurial and business, editorial, writing and publishing, faculty positions, medical practice, and government science. Below is a list of companies where some of BTP alumni found their careers:

Recruitment and Retention

In support of Northwestern’s and BTP’s commitments to valuing and supporting all members of our training program and community, the following activities facilitate recruitment and retention of graduate students:

The Graduate School

The Graduate School (TGS)  promotes diversity in the Northwestern student population by helping to recruit a diverse student body and by providing support services to those students. TGS encourages underrepresented minority students to apply for admission to our doctoral programs and has initiatives and resources to help you in the process.


AccessibleNU facilitates Northwestern’s commitment to providing a supportive and challenging environment for all graduate students with disabilities and works to provide a learning and community environment that affords those students full participation, equal access, and reasonable accommodation.

Professional Development

TGS hosts a portal for exploring resources and programming to contribute to the professional development of our graduate students. TGS also collates a range of career development resources that are available to BTP trainees.

Student Associations

Several major graduate student associations serve individuals who identify with groups which are historically underrepresented in STEM:

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